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Learn Italian on italki language classes with certificated teachers

686 Teachers

Our online Italian language courses and classes are designed to help you achieve your language goals quickly and efficiently. Our experienced Italian teachers use the latest teaching techniques and materials to provide you with the best possible learning experience.

Learn Italian with the teacher Natalia.

2,494 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

I am very receptive to the needs of students and model classes according to individual interests.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Margherita Merone.

363 Lessons

Margherita Merone

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Enthusiastic and experienced mother tongue Italian teacher Me as a teacher? I am very patient and I enjoy learning from my students as well. I am very flexible too , and I want to have a practical way to teach the language. I am nice and I never get angry. Never really.

USD 13.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Daya.

5,554 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified TEFL and DITALS teacher, +5 years of experience, ADHD / Autism spectrum specialisation → During the classes, the student will receive PDF documents, study sheets, worksheets and video files (on request). → All the notes will be written on a particular application called ''GOOD NOTES''. If you cannot download it, I will send the PDF files after the class with all the notes and exercises. → My students have full access to different free online books published on the class drive, Quizlet, and Docs files. → I offer 1-to-1 and group classes, with available recording (under the privacy rules) → My students' goals are the most important to follow during the classes. :)

USD 10.00/trial
Available 20:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Martina Reali.

1,475 Lessons

Martina Reali

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified DITALS teacher with 4 years of experience I am a PATIENT and CHEERFUL teacher, but prepared and serious at the same time. In my lessons the student is the CENTRE of the learning process and has an ACTIVE ROLE. The content is TAILORED to your needs your learning style. I like building a friendly and open relationship with my students, so that they can feel comfortable and get rid of any stress that may hinder their learning process. I will support you in every step of this journey and do my best to motivate you. You can always contact me if you have a doubt or you want to share with me something about your learning path :) Ah! My motto is: you don't have to be afraid to make mistakes, because that's how you learn!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Francesca R. Patrizi.

2,602 Lessons

Francesca R. Patrizi

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified Italian teacher with over 20 years experience Sono un’insegnante di italiano da oltre venti anni: ho cominciato ad insegnare online in Giappone e a Roma insegno in scuole, università, compagnie e online. Ora ho una scuola mia e sono anche formatrice per insegnanti che vogliono specializzarsi nell’insegnamento online. Prenota una lezione di prova e unisciti alla mia comunità! I have been a teacher of Italian for foreigners for more than twenty years: I started teaching online in Japan and in Roma I teach in schools, universities, companies and online. Now I have my own school and I am also a trainer for teachers who want to specialize in teaching online. Book a trial class and join my community!

USD 12.00/trial
Available 09:30 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Domingo Arru.

770 Lessons

Domingo Arru

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Insegnante certificato madrelingua italiano Che tipo d'insegnante sono? Come posso esserti utile? Beh, posso aiutare te che ami l'italiano, sei a un livello B1, B2,C1,C2, e vuoi approfondire la cultura italiana, vuoi migliorare la tua padronanza in questa lingua, anche dal punto di vista grammaticale. Tu che studi in Italia, devi affrontare materie quali storia, lettere, filosofia, sociologia, e vuoi approfondire alcune parole o concetti in italiano e vuoi un affiancamento, un valido aiuto. A te professionista, che conosci l'italiano ma hai bisogno di un supporto culturale per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.

USD 12.00/trial
Available 15:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Dr. Mabrouk Ahmed.

467 Lessons

Dr. Mabrouk Ahmed

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Docente universitario ed esaminatore CELI con 17 anni di esperienza insegnamento ITALIANO<>ARABO I am a university lecturer, PhD in Italian, University of Rome La Sapienza, I have been teaching Italian to Arabic speakers and Arabic to Italian speakers since 2006. I am very patient and smiling. My students' questions and requests for clarification are sacred to me and I do everything I can to answer and clarify everything. I am very honest in class time, but in the meantime I am very flexible giving at the end of any class some time for exercises, questions and a chat as a listening and speaking practice.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 11:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Cosimo.

9,919 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian
Chinese (Mandarin)

🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚‍♀️ Storyteller

USD 18.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Rossella.

8,378 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Native Italian speaker, also fluent in English with 10 years of tutoring experience Hello everyone, my name is Rossella, I'm Italian, I've been an Italki tutor for a few years and I absolutely love it! I am really happy to help people from all over the world, improve or learn Italian. I love to share everything I know about my country (the good and the bad! :D) and I like that so many students want to learn Italian, not just because they have to but because they want to and they like Italian culture. If you have questions you can write me a message via Italki and I'll reply asap! :)

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Marco.

3,793 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

CEDILS certified teacher of Italian for foreign students with more than 4000 hours of lessons With over a decade of experience, I've fine-tuned my teaching approach, crafting a personalized method that identifies each student's Italian language weaknesses. Together, we establish a tailored program, ensuring consistency and accountability in your learning journey. Every lesson is meticulously designed to meet yr specific needs, incorporating targeted exercises and content. I'm providing a wealth of engaging exercises to keep you motivated: I leverage a diverse set of resources, including textbooks, videos, original texts authored by me, online content, and games. Having taught in private schools both internationally and within the Italian public school system, I've honed my skills

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Marco.

5,393 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Il mio metodo d'insegnamento è basato soprattutto sulla conversazione. Parleremo fin dalla prima lezione per farti sentire a tuo agio con la lingua. Parlando l'italiano fin dall'inizio riuscirai ad apprendere più rapidamente ed in modo più divertente. Lezioni personalizzate sulla base delle tue esigenze e del tempo che hai a disposizione. Su richiesta è possibile anche organizzare lezioni su temi specifici (ad esempio business, hobby, scienza,economia,arte). Altri metodi che utilizzo: - Giochi di ruolo -> migliora il tuo italiano parlato - Descrizione immagini -> fondamentale per espandere il tuo vocabolario - Disussione + correzione --> impara a esprimerti e alla fine ricevi le correzioni

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Gloria.

1,690 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Parliamo! Insegnante certificata CEDILS per lezioni divertenti e rilassate Diciamo NO alla noia! Mi piace inventare attività sempre nuove e strategie per imparare divertendosi. Il modo migliore per imparare è collegare le informazioni nuove alle emozioni, quindi useremo le vostre passioni ed esperienze per allenare l'italiano. Cercherò di colpire la vostra attenzione con collegamenti inusuali e divertenti, al posto di noiose regole grammaticali ed esercizi sempre uguali. Let's say NO to boredom! I love to find new ways and strategies to learn having fun. The best way to learn is by connecting new notions to emotions, so we're going to use your passions and experiences to train your Italian.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher Omy.

1,363 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian tutor with 3 years of experience Mi piace ascoltare i miei studenti le loro necessità e le loro esigenze, ogni persona è diversa dal altra, ogni persona ha un percorso diverso in base a quello che necessità, sono una persona molto paziente, molto attenta è precisa.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 11:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Niccolò.

3,132 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Certified DITALS teacher with 8 years experience I really care about being professional. At the same time, during my lessons I like to maintain a relaxed atmosphere based on mutual respect and sociability. In my opinion these requirements. are fundamental for a successful process of learning. As a versatile person I plan the courses to achieve the target expressed by the student, but I am always available to discuss and explain in depth particular subjects. My organisation/preparation of the courses is versatile, and it favours the preferences of each student, so as to achieve their goals.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 15:00 Tomorrow
Learn Italian with the teacher ⭐️ Natasha ⭐️.

3,107 Lessons

⭐️ Natasha ⭐️

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Teacher since 2009 ⭐️ 100% target language method ⭐️Start speaking within seconds ✔️Proven 100% target language method ✔️ I will get you speak the target language within seconds of our class, even if you are just a beginner ✔️ I use a wide variety of online materials such as books, tests, audio files, PP presentations to support this method ✔️ I offer both everyday and business language ✔️ We will focus mostly on speaking but there will be also reading and grammar ✔️ We will keep writing for homework

USD 10.00/trial
Available 11:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Federica 🇮🇪.

558 Lessons

Federica 🇮🇪

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Italian native speaker, degree in Foreign Languages and Literature , english and arabic, Spanish C1 My lessons are shaped according to your needs and your level. Basically we can focus on conversation, pronunciation ,vocabulary and grammar. We can choose together subjects in which you are interested such as fashion, cooking, science, movie .I can help providing material if you need. I like that you feel confortable. Le mie lezioni si adattano ai tuoi bisogni e al tuo livello. Ci possiamo concentrare sulla conversazione, pronuncia, vocabolario e grammatica. Possiamo scegliere insieme argomenti che piu- ti interessano come la moda, la cucina, scienza, film. Posso provvedere al materiale necessario alla lezione.Mi piace che tu ti senta a tuo agio.

USD 6.50/trial
Available 11:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher Raffaele.

2,776 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Learning Italian maybe is not easy, but can be easier! Hack your Italian with me ;) I'm currently teaching Italian in France, precisely in Briançon (Hautes-Alpes), in 3 primary schools. So I can help you if you are starting from scratch, but I also love teaching intermediate or advanced students. I was trained as an Italian teacher for foreign students at Venice University, where I obtained the CEDILS diploma in 2017, after having volunteered in a school. I'm very familiar with language learning too: I learnt Spanish in Seville, where I studied as an Erasmus student, and I'm improving my French. For my English I relied on one-to-one online lessons: I think it's the best method to improve quickly and to become fluent wherever you are in the world!

USD 13.00/trial
Available 07:00 in 3 days
Learn Italian with the teacher Patrizia D..

1,140 Lessons

Patrizia D.

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Italian

Tutor di italiano da 4 anni. Amo conoscere nuove culture e viaggiare! Da circa 4 anni imparto lezioni d'italiano, mi piace molto includere dialoghi, frasi idiomatiche e proverbi, etimologia delle parole e la giusta quantità di grammatica per imparare una nuova lingua. Sono molto flessibile e paziente!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Italian with the teacher Armin.

3,386 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian
Persian (Farsi)

Certified TOEFL trainer, PhD in English Literature, essay writer for a living As an autodidactic polyglot, I am pretty familiar with challenges and tricks of learning languages and I help students overcome and master them. I have been teaching in different schools in several countries to students of different ages and levels. I am currently a teacher in a junior-high school in Italy. I have had classes for IELTS & TOEFL preparations, business courses, general English for children and adults and also conversation classes. During my BA degree in Italy, I obtained extensive training on teaching methods and strategies that next to my long years of practical experience, it makes me a versatile teacher with robust classes that are both friendly and resourceful.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Italian with the teacher ItalianoConVince🇮🇹.

2,594 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Italian

Only the best learning experience or your money back! 🤝 From 0 to c2🚀L'Italia ti aspetta🇮🇹 Studi Sono un insegnante professionista con una laurea in Comunicazione e Linguistica italiana e la certificazione CEDILS(per l'insegnamento della lingua italiana agli stranieri) rilasciata dall'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. Esperienze professionali Ho una ampia esperienza di insegnamento della lingua italiana, con migliaia di ore di lezione, sia online che di persona, con studenti di tutte le parti del mondo. Le mie passioni principali nella vita sono imparare e insegnare, specialmente le lingue straniere. Ogni giorno studio, ricerco e metto alla prova nuove tecniche di insegnamento. La soddisfazione più grande è il riuscire a trovare il metodo giusto per ogni studente.

USD 15.00/trial
Available 11:00 Today
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Italian courses

Finding the right Italian tutor on italki can be a daunting task, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. First, consider your goals and learning style. Are you looking for conversational practice or do you need help with grammar? Do you prefer a structured lesson or a more relaxed approach? Once you’ve determined your needs, use italki’s search filters to narrow down your options. Look for tutors who specialize in your areas of interest, have good reviews, and are available at a time that works for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential tutors and ask questions before booking a lesson. A good tutor will be happy to discuss their teaching style and answer any questions you may have. Lastly, be open-minded and willing to try different tutors until you find the right fit for you.

Yes, the required textbooks and materials for online Italian courses may vary depending on the tutor or course provider. Some tutors may provide their own materials while others may require the use of specific textbooks or workbooks. It is important to check with your Italian tutor or course provider before starting the course to ensure that you have the necessary materials.

In addition to textbooks, many online Italian courses offer interactive online resources such as videos, audio recordings, and online quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Some courses may also offer access to online language learning platforms or apps for additional practice and reinforcement. By having access to the appropriate materials and resources, you can make the most out of your online Italian course and improve your language skills effectively.

At italki, there are several payment options available to pay for online Italian classes and courses. You can choose to pay through various online payment methods such as PayPal, Alipay, or credit cards. You can also purchase italki Credits, which is the official currency used on the platform.

To purchase italki Credits, you can go to your account settings and choose the amount of credits you wish to purchase. Once you have purchased the credits, they will be added to your italki account, and you can use them to pay for your Italian lessons with your preferred tutor. italki Credits can also be used to purchase lesson packages, which can help you save money in the long run.

It is worth noting that the prices for Italian classes and courses vary depending on the tutor’s qualifications and experience. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rates of different tutors before booking a lesson. Additionally, some tutors offer discounts or promotions, so it is worth keeping an eye out for those as well.

Yes, you can schedule Italian classes according to your own availability on italki. When searching for Italian tutors on italki, you can filter your search by selecting the preferred day and time of your classes. This allows you to find a tutor whose availability matches yours. Once you have chosen a tutor, you can view their schedule and select a time slot that works for you. The tutor will then confirm the time slot, and the class will be scheduled. Additionally, some Italian tutors offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to reschedule or cancel classes up to a certain time before the scheduled class without penalty. This makes it easier for you to manage your Italian classes and adjust them according to your availability.

Yes, you can definitely take Italian classes online even if you’re a beginner. In fact, online Italian classes are a great option for beginners as they provide a comfortable and convenient environment to learn the language at your own pace. Most online Italian tutors are experienced in teaching beginners and will start with the basics such as the Italian alphabet, numbers, and simple phrases. They will gradually introduce you to more complex grammar and vocabulary as you progress in your learning journey. You can also expect to engage in a variety of learning activities such as role-playing, conversation practice, and listening exercises. With the help of an experienced online Italian tutor, you can quickly build a strong foundation in the language and achieve your language learning goals.

Ready to start learning Italian today? Sign up now to find the perfect Italian teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!